You can help people in Gaza survive this Humanitarian Crisis

You can help people in Gaza survive this Humanitarian Crisis


Raised so far

  • About

The population of Gaza is facing one of the greatest humanitarian disasters of our time. With 85% of their housing, sanitation, and medical systems destroyed, these people are facing a crisis of unprecedented proportions, threatening their very survival.

Over 37,000 people have already been killed in Gaza, 83 per cent are living in internal displacement and according to the IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre) well over 90 per cent of the population are facing acute levels of food insecurity.

AMURTEL is one of few organisations also looking at solutions to support Gazans over the long term in Egypt and Italy.

Addressing the longer term needs of Palestinians in Egypt

Provide a safe home for orphaned Palestinian children:
Like Youssef and his 7 siblings and cousins, there are an estimated 20,000+ orphaned Palestinian children who have no surviving parents. Youssef is lucky enough to have his grandmother who is now soley responsible for him and her other 7 grandchildren but many have no one. They will be experiencing extreme trauma and will need safe places to recover, rebuild their lives and experience love and compassion.

AMURT and our sister organisation, AMURTEL in Egypt, has set up a sponsorship programme for Youssef and his siblings and cousins which will help to cover the cost of rent, food, schooling and other necessitites. AMURTEL also has a lot of experience of running orphanages all over the world and we are working towards setting one up for Gazan children in Italy. It will cost €300/month for each orphan to receive a home to feel safe in and to thrive, clothing, an education and medical support when needed. 

You can support orphans who have lost everything.

Empower displaced women from Gaza to Egypt through Palestinian embroidery education:

There are currently more than 100,000 displaced Palestinians in Cairo without jobs, visas, income or social networks. Alaa and her husband and two children, like so many thousands of others, were forced to leave their beloved home and community to seek safety. They took a treacherous journey through aerial bombardment, artillery fire, death and destruction everywhere they turned to reach one dislplacement camp only to be moved onto another where their shelter was then bombed. Without time for grieving over loved ones lost and killed they continued on until they finally made it to Egypt. Alaa, being a talented and resourceful person, is now collaborating with AMURTEL to set up a livelihood embroidery project for Palestinian women called ‘Threads of Hope’. She herself finds solace in threads and colours which she uses to embroider her story and journey into and she wants to impart skills in this traditional craft to provide women with a means of income generation, cultural preservation, and psychological healing. With €100 you can support one woman receive a full training over a 10 week period. 

You can give displaced Palestinian women a way to feed their families, hold onto their traditions and feel better in themselves.

Ensure Palestinian children can access an education and receive holistic support in Egypt:
Palestinian children, many of whom are orphans are traumatised and need support. AMURTEL has been supporting many to find a comforting rhythm. For example they made one field day to an interactive museum and have managed to give some the opportunity to join a summer camp where they are receiving therapeutic support through especially designed activites to help them build trust and release some of the trauma. 

There is a also a desperate need for schools in Egypt as most Palestinians arriving into Egypt are without visas which means the children can’t register in a public school. AMURTEL Egypt is working together with the owner of a kindergarten space to set it up a functioning Kindergarten and school. Schools are also a good way to reach the children most in need and ensure they receive food and psychosocial support. By giving €100/month you can fund one Gazan child through their education.

You can support displaced Palestinian children and families who are currently taking refuge in Cairo. 

More immediate relief

Ensure basic essential reach Gaza:
It is extremely difficult to get lifesaving supplies into Gaza due to Israeli authorities’ blockades, delays, and restrictions on humanitarian aid and supplies. AMURTEL Egypt, AMURT UK’s partner organisation, has been working closely with a local partner on the ground to get essential supplies though and you can help ensure more can be sent to those experiencing sever hunger and impoverished conditions. It costs €1,500 to send 100 food packages to feed a medium sized family and €1,400 to send 200 cans of Hero Infant formula to Gaza for example. 

Identify Palestinian families in Egypt and get them the support they need:
Our teams are doing their best to support over 30,000 displaced Palestinian families who are currently taking refuge in Cairo, where they have no shelter, food, and financial resources. €500 could support a recently arrived displaced family for a month, with rent, food and basic house, health and hygiene supplies.

To be able to continue all this vital work, we need your help. Your support, as well as providing tangible benefits on the ground in Gaza and Egypt, will also have a very important multiplying effect, as it will act as a seed to attract more donations for these longer-term projects. 

Every donation makes a difference and brings us closer to a future where the Palestinian people can live with dignity and security. Your love and action can bring hope to thousands of Palestinians in need. 

Together, we can make a difference